The consensus is that China will engineer a soft landing, that it will manage a transition from investment and export-led growth to more domestic demand, that interest rates will normalize and the country's credit expansion will be reined in. 目前外界的普遍预期是:中国将引导经济软着陆,并将设法从投资和出口主导的经济增长转向内需主导的增长,利率将正常化且中国信贷扩张势头将会得到遏制。
Domestic credit expansion still remains strong. There are potential risks from cross-border capital flows, he said in comments published on Thursday but made in Shanghai earlier in the week. 国内信贷持续扩张动力仍然较强,跨境资本流动蕴含潜在风险,周小川在周四公开、但实际上在本周早些时候在上海发表的讲话中表示。
This, too, is reminiscent of Japan as late as the 1980s, when the attempt to sustain growth in investment-led domestic demand led to a ruinous credit expansion. 这也让我们回想起上世纪80年代的日本,当时,日本试图维持由投资引导的国内需求的增长,结果导致了毁灭性的信贷扩张。